Melissa Ling, “Bart Birthday” 2021 / Acrylic on Canvas / 20” x 20”
Show # 115
Curated by Kyle Hittmeier & Amanda Nedham
Featuring: Andrew William Allison, Melissa Vásquez Aristizábal, Braden Bandel, Grace Fechner, Cassandra Hooper, Melissa Ling, KC Crow Maddux, Siobhan McBride, Ernesto Renda, Deborah Zlotsky
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 24th, 3-6 pm RSVP
Dates: April 22, - May 22. 2020
Hours: Thurs-Sat, 12-6 pm
Field Projects is pleased to present Afterlight curated by Kyle Hittmeier & Amanda Nedham featuring works sourced from the Fall Open Call.
Behind a wavering horizon, a sun slowly sets as Tacita Dean describes a phenomenon known as the green ray: an elusive bandwidth of green light that appears in the last possible moments of the setting sun. Once the sun sets, the viewer is left to ponder whether they too have borne witness to this ephemeral experience that has been known to be a harbinger of great fortune.
The artists in Afterlight, having experienced a year of containment and turmoil, soften the shutters of their periphery. Memory and body become vast landscapes in flux, and each artwork an exorcism of the personal-liminal. This vantage courts disruption to varying degrees of palpability throughout the exhibition, the goal being to interrogate both the subtle and robust ways we shift our relationships to constructs that once felt immutable. Working through the social within a domestic setting cultivates a double interior, or space within a space, where knowing and forgetting somersault in and out of one another toward new futures.
In their ability to scrutinize intimate patterns, symbols and materials, these artists are able to become poetically expansive. They invite the viewer to enter into new timescapes where questions of value are raised and where significance is constantly being negotiated. As the sepic under layers of their work lay foundations onto which we apply our own overcoats of personalized hue, we are able to layer our memories with their own.
As the sun nearly vanishes behind the horizon, Tacita Dean describes the green ray as having “proved itself too elusive for the pixelation of the digital world...the quest to witness the green ray became more about the act of looking itself, about faith and belief in what you see.” So too the artists in Afterglow embark on the playful rendering of memory and time, ever susceptible to their fragile natures and their precarious containers that hold them.
About the Curators
Amanda Nedham and Kyle Hittmeier are co-founders of Super Dutchess Gallery and the co-directors of its Deep Field Residency program. Super Dutchess was conceived of as an experimental curatorial platform and continues to bring together emerging and mid-career artists on the LES. The residency aims to promote discourse through virtual mentorship providing the opportunity for artists to work directly with a diverse group of curators, as well as develop special projects.
Amanda Nedham is a research based artist whose work revolves around drawings found in artificial and natural landscapes. Kyle Hittmeier is a multimedia artist who works with both digital and physical processes. He teaches at the Rhode Island School of Design.